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*The Time is NOW
*The Time is NOW For a flower to grow, for a flower to blossom, all the weeds must be removed from around the flower. With these words we want to say for you to be more aware, to be more conscious of who and what you trully are, all negative layers mu... |
KejRaj777 | 4 | 586 | ||||
*The Inward Journey: How Well Do You Know Yourself?
From: *The Inward Journey: How Well Do You Know Yourself? We spend 100% of our time in our own company, and yet many of us may be surprised to realize that we don’t know or trust ourselves very well. In fact... |
justin7 | 1 | 344 | ||||
*4 of the 4th//Angel Number
*4 of the 4th / Angel Number*4 of the 4th / Angel Number I aim to keep this one short. From all the different sources we have heard, all the information that we have received, from channeled sources, to intel guru’s, from personal ba... |
KejRaj777 | 1 | 290 | ||||
These Precious Pre-GCR Moments - Archangel Michael & St. Germain
These Precious Pre-GCR Momentsby Archangel Michael & St. Germain through Christine & Kathryn "You are the blessed messengers, the chosen deliverers of these blessings from God. Regardless of what you might feel from time to time, you are ready for this." ~ St. Germain Archangel Mi... |
Chicago | 0 | 313 | ||||
Finding your Mission
*The Spirit Guides, Finding your Mission For More, Visit: Hello friends, we have been watching over you throughout the many incarnations you have experienced here on earth. You have chosen to incarnate at this time to not only be a witness, but a divine aspect of this time on... |
KejRaj777 | 0 | 241 | ||||
*Star Children
*Star Children Star children, Star seeds or Old Souls, are souls who have been sent here from all areas of the Universe (Pleiades, Arcturus, Andromeda, Sirius, and many more star systems) to help the earth and the people on it. The term Old Soul just means these ones we speak of have emanated from Sourc... |
KejRaj777 | 1 | 300 | ||||
*Archangel Michael: Disclosure – God’s Way
*Archangel Michael: Disclosure – God’s Way ARCHANGEL MICHAEL: From the love of twin flames, with one descending and the other ascending, both in alignment with their higher Selves, is the way this message is mani... |
KejRaj777 | 1 | 299 | ||||
DISCLOSURE Announcement by Archangel Gabriel
ARCHANGEL GABRIEL: I come as the Archangel who makes announcements and delivers news. I come to announce that you are approaching a turn of Events that will be acute as a result of a truth being exposed in the media that will shake the world to its core. It will not be DISCLOSURE as the lightworkers hoped... |
Chicago | 0 | 340 | ||||
Thank you, you know WHO you are!
Chicago | 0 | 316 |