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No New Posts Thomas - (you DOUBTERS) Ben Fulford just CONFIRMED Yosef's intel.... (Preview)
This call with Yosef took place on Friday, the 5th of August...   Khazarian mafia offer ASEAN, Japan and Korea to China Posted by benjamin August 9, 2016 (Full Report) An official who reports to Chinese President Xi Jinping told a representative of the White Dragon Soc...
Chicago 0 360
No New Posts RV/GCR SITREP Update - July 29, 2016 (Preview)
Friday  July 29, 2016  12:00:00 EST     Aloha,     We're expecting toll free number release and bank performance very shortly...     Look for a TETELESTAI email with 800#s attached...     Go slow folks and remember less is more...     God is with us...      ​Pre-E​xchange Checklist​Select a bank...
Chicago 0 187
No New Posts "Hands of Heaven" Yosef's Final Plea July 22, 2016 Attention : All of God's Creations (Preview)
  "Hands of Heaven" Yosef's Final Plea July 22, 2016 Attention: All of God's Creations Subject: Immediate Release of Humanity from Economic Bondage Divine sovereignty is a birthright, it is not earned and cannot be controlled by man. Therefore, if anyone does not immediately release the world fr...
Chicago 0 186
No New Posts Yosef - Gold Flatlines! GCR/RV/Gold Standard Officially Starts on 7.4.2016 (Preview)
    Gold Flatlines! GCR/RV/Gold Standard Officially Starts on 7.4.2016 Earlier this week from 1am to 8am EDT on July 4, 2016, the gold bullion spot price flatlined, which means there was no trading worldwide on gold (see 24 hour graph above). This temporary down period or "reset" of the world markets...
Chicago 0 207
No New Posts Okay, so what REALLY IS the "hold-up"? (Caution, the answer may SHOCK you) (Preview)
    The GCR/RV as agreed to by 195 nations via the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, is not only ready and set to go, it's been implemented and is functioning at this very moment. So what's the hold up you ask?   Disillusioned cabal children who refuse to surrender in the face of immanent defeat. Who are t...
Chicago 0 242
No New Posts "What Really Happened Yesterday at the UST" (Preview)
    What Really Happened Yesterday at Treasury June 15, 2016 Many are still wondering what exactly happened yesterday in the halls of the US Treasury when President Obama made a fish-out-of-water Islamic Terrorist speech in an overtly financial setting. It made little to no sense. And while he did a...
Chicago 0 213
No New Posts Final SITREP - 00:00:00 EST - Monday - 6.13.16 (1) (Preview)
FINAL SITREP 00:00:00 EST Monday June 13, 2016 (1) ---------- On Sunday afternoon Republic President General Joe Dunford & USA, Inc. bankruptcy figure head Jack Lew arrived in Reno on Air Force 1 with full surrendered release documents re: UST control over to the new Republic Treasury. The Rep...
Chicago 0 210
No New Posts Yosef - on "The Paris Agreement on Climate Change" from DC (Preview)
  "This past week saw several historic geopolitical movements, all were signs of progress towards implementation of permanent global financial reforms and ultimately the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change--which includes terms for all gold backed currency revaluation f...
Chicago 0 180
No New Posts "History was Made" - Intel SITREP - Sunday - 5.29.16 (Preview)
  SITREP 08:00:00 EST Sunday 5.29.16 ---------- Good Morning, Last last night history was made. And while few knew of the events occurring inside the White House all day Saturday and into Sunday morning, know that after 146 of foreign occupation our Republic of the United States was fully restored s...
Chicago 0 594
No New Posts Yosef on The Real TRUTH Call 5-16 (Preview)
  GREAT call - Fisher starts at 24 minutes Yusef comes on at 99.52 minutes​eFL7/jNlbl
Chicago 0 190
No New Posts GREAT Call With Yosef - Sunday, May 9th (Preview)​2795
Chicago 0 252
No New Posts Yosef - The Big Call 4-14 (Preview)
  "Bruce:  A lot occurred - especially yesterday.  A lot of funds were moved into place.  So much from East to West that we cannot even talk about it.  The positioning is such that everything can happen.  The GCR itself was announced late last night in Hong Kong."   "Robert:   Everything that I am get...
Chicago 0 343
No New Posts Yosef - Global Currency Reset or Global Christ Reset? (Preview)
(Re-posted by request of Yosef. ~ DC) Historic Overview - Global Crystal Reset (GCR) A comprehensive historic, religious, scientific and spiritual review of the on-going Global Currency Reset (GCR). LIVING PAPAL RETIREMENTS, DEBT JUBILEE, THE VATICAN BANK REFORMING , ALIEN LIFE … WHAT IS ON GOD...
Chicago 0 274
No New Posts Yosef - Final Message ( 3-29 ) (Preview)
"If You Want Peace, Prepare for War" - Yosef's Final Post If ​Y​ou Want ​P​eace, ​P​repare for ​War ​ To realize something as earth changing as a financial reset, one must anticipate, plan, prepare and execute as if expecting for a complete and total war. This transition of power playing out now, and h...
Chicago 1 283
No New Posts "I Believe" - Yosef - Saturday 3-26-2016 (Preview)
   "I Believe" - Yosef - Saturday - 3.26.2016 (2) 3/25/2016 09:03:00 PM  Intel, Thoughts, Yosef   I Believe… … in Yeshua Ben Yosef as God, man and Savior of mankind and Earth. … in unprecedented miracles occurring in my lifetime. … in Sovereign Families who sincere care and act in humanity's bes...
Trinity 3 485
No New Posts URGENT - Prepare for Incoming Intel (Preview)
URGENT - Prepare for Incoming IntelPermalink     Dear Readers, Urgent Intel Update from Yosef incoming at Midnight tonight Eastern Time. Please stay tuned until then. I suggest you all listen to Chandelier by Sia posted below while reading the intel update later tonight. That is all. Blessings....
Chicago 3 421
No New Posts Josef - March 24 (Preview)
Gerry read this statement (source not identified) at the beginning of the call: (but I, Chicago, believe this is from Yosef) “Good morning, gang. I want to point out a couple of things to you so you are prepared.  1) Tomorrow, being Good Friday, many banks and markets are closed 2) The issue from last we...
Chicago 8 821
No New Posts Yosef's Greatest Hits/Intel - All Posts up to March 22, 2016 (Preview)
Yosef has asked that Dinar Chronicles compose a list of the entirety of his posts up until today, March 22, 2016 (last update was March 15, 2016). Here is that list, thank you Yosef for choosing Dinar Chronicles. Thank You, Dinar Chronicles - for making this available! Highlights (Bottom to Top) "A...
Chicago 0 284
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