For a flower to grow, for a flower to blossom, all the weeds must be removed from around the flower. With these words we want to say for you to be more aware, to be more conscious of who and what you trully are, all negative layers must be removed, all the things that do not serve you, all that is not light and love, all that cause separation, sadness, fear, must be healed and released from your conscience, from your heart. When one transmutes all distractions, obstacles, with ease and grace one will start to recognize the true self.
What does not bring you joy in life, you have the right to release that from your life. We know it may not be easy to do. But we ask for what purpose keep in your life something that does not bring you joy? Now, if the job you have, causes you stress, you are simply not happy with it, leave it, find something else. If you think that old traditions and beliefs are of no benefit in your life, release them. If you think that friends or family cause you more stress than they bring joy, you have the right to walk away from them. Once again, we know that it is not easy for you, but we have to say the time is now, you have to disconnect yourself from the things that “disrupt” your peace.
We are aware that many of you find yourselves in positions you don’t wish to be and do things without heart. You perform those works only because that is the social behavior. Only because it is done by the majority you become part of a group or social circle so you are not lonely or distinct from the rest. Whatever the case may be, smoking, consuming alcohol because your friends do it, or you join a political or religious organization just because the majority do it. We say emphatically, you are a unique soul and your freedom is unlimited, never in any case are you obliged to act or believe as others. But it is said, what the majority does, you follow, and they say the majority usually has it right, let us say that this claim is completely false, this claim is made by people who have fear, people who cannot think for themselves, the people that want everybody else to believe in something just because they themselves believe it and that makes them feel more powerful or complete. They try really hard to force their old beliefs and traditions on you, and turn around and say it is for your own good, I have compassion for you, and so on. That is when you say, no thank you. If you have compassion for me, you allow me to decide for my own myself, you allow me to follow, to believe and to live as I wish, as my heart wants. And never in any case do you turn to me with your advice, unless you are asked by me.
You are not obligated to believe anything that does not resonate with your heart. No matter who says it, parent, teacher, singer, doctor, or guru. You must remain in your truth without letting their words impact you. Most people today don’t know what to believe anymore, you don’t know which path to choose, you do everything with suspicion, often you think you’re losing your mind, because your head has been filled with many things and different stories, from many different people, each claiming that their word is the truth, their way is the right way. The “disruptions” mentioned above, are the weeds that do not allow the flower to blossom.
Stop in this moment, let go of everything. We say to you do not always search for truth in the outer world, do not look for validation from the outside world, from your friends, books or teachers. Instead bring your attention within, in your heart, because there lies the truth. There you can find all the answers to your questions, there in your heart is the truth of the universe, the truth of creation.
Rise up, dust yourself off, release all, and say, I am perfect in every way in this moment, I am a being of light and love, I am completely free from all the negativity, I am the creator of my reality. Beloved, you are a part of creation, and your magnificence is immeasurable.
KejRaj - I'm a little confused by a couple of items, contained within your post.
Can you please clarify?
"If you think that friends or family cause you more stress than they bring joy, you have the right to walk away from them"
I'd love to hear your take on this, because I suspect that it may be an age difference - or perhaps the nonsense being taught in "schools" (slave training centers featuring PC BS) today that advocate this kind of behavior....
But the reality IS, no matter the stress FAMILY causes (and they almost ALWAYS do) they are YOURS and blood is thicker than water! If you can't get "along" with them - thats YOUR PROBLEM and shortcoming. You don't get to choose your family as you do your friends.
That is where the word "family" comes from - who has taught you otherwise?
"And never in any case do you turn to me with your advice, unless you are asked by me."
Hmmm....not sure what to make of this - I agree that no one should ever start a conversation with "you should" but rather "if I were you..."
Or, do you THINK you know it ALL???
I agree that the very BEST information always comes from within, and that most are desperately looking for "answers" in all of the wrong places - but you absolutely do not have to tune the entire rest of the world OUT - in order to listen.
Which seems to be what you're saying.
Try some cannabis, you might be able to save your relationship with your FAMILY that way!
*First, it may help to know that english is my second language. Even though I think I'm being pretty clear. It also depends on how the reader may choose to interpet my writing.
Perhaps I was being slightly blunt with this?
---"If you think that friends or family cause you more stress than they bring joy, you have the right to walk away from them"---
I think it is very simple, but I will explain more.
There have been countless instances where family members have killed eachother over what started as an arguement. So it is best to just move out, stay away for a while from anyone that may cause you pain.
From husbands and wives to kids and parent's. It all goes back to the false premises of "authority". And guilt of course. Most if not all families, friends today often use guilt against another to get what they want. Parent's for example, when their child won't listen, refuses to "obey" the parent, the parent will often say "but don't you know I LOVE YOU", when in fact there is no love there, just the old guilt trick so the child falls into the trap and ends up doing what the parent THINKS is right according to "social conduct". This way the parent gets an ego boost and feel "a little" more powerful. Though they never admit "that feeling."
Blood does not make two or more people family. It is LOVE that makes a family, family.
---"And never in any case do you turn to me with your advice, unless you are asked by me." Hmmm....not sure what to make of this - I agree that no one should ever start a conversation with "you should" but rather "if I were you..." Or, do you THINK you know it ALL???"---
*I know nothing. The more I think I learn, the more I realize I know nothing.
Though this part was meant more on how everyone tries to win everyone else over on their side by all means. From politics, to religion, from largest to smallest things people tend to argue about.
You absolutely DO have to tune the entire rest of the world OUT, ZOOM OUT from the planet, for things to make more sense. As often as you can, to get a much broader view.
It is true, we all see the universe differently. However, the old "projection" is quickly being dissolved, at least on this planet.
I would like to point out that these "instances of murder" of which you speak,
are generally the result of someone on psychotropic DRUGS - the #1 cause of SUICIDE today, also.
I was not being flippant with my suggestion about cannabis - really helps tune out the "noise".