For those of you who've been trying to find a "safe place to put your money" And/or think you can purchase ANNUITIES or any other monetary vehicles for "protection"...
Do yourself a favor - and LISTEN to a more comprehensive answer than I may have thus provided
As I've ALREADY TOLD YOU...BAIL-IN'S STARTED a few days ago in Europe...
Bill Holter also talks about the much needed RESET about to happen- LISTEN
While I don't agree with his ultimate conclusion, which is clearly strictly from a 3d perspective and he is obviously unaware of the "BIGGER Picture" - his assessment of the current global financial situation is absolutely accurate. Use DISCERNMENT...
-- Edited by Chicago on Saturday 9th of July 2016 05:51:39 PM
Everyone is ABLE TO SEE it, although since they have long been part of the Keynesian brainwashed crew - most are unaware of the RV (or if they are, aren't talking about it!)
Again, another one unaware of the "BIGGER Picture" or extreme amount of Divine Intervention involved... They live in a 3d world, on a linear timeline
Yet, they can clearly see and articulate the results of all the financial engineering that's gone on as well as the cabal falling on their own swords in this financial demise...