Intel Highlights from Last Night's (4-12-16) The Real Truth Call with Fisher
• Has seven phones on his ear as well as internet.
• Chinese Elders not as powerful as they thought they were, arrests continue, politicians get in the way, bankers hold things up, panama papers stirred things up a bit...
• Iraq is done - they have made the announcement in Iraq.
• Right now on Euroclear - all currencies are trading.
• Euroclear is banking and securities clearing firm using the cips system to preclude any hanky-panky.
• Euroclear is telling european investors they're probably getting into these currencies on thursday or friday - means it's gotta happen before they get in.
• Shabibi has taken his seat on the CBI
• Iraq has done what it needed to do for this to go "in-country".
• IR rate x.xx in Iraq.
• Tomorrow the G-20 meets in DC.
• A week ago all wealth managers had a video conference - told the truth about currencies and RV.
• All the problems in this process are the result of tying the RV and the GCR - too many countries, too big a process.
• Bearer checks for ZIM may be good - take them to the bank.
• Better rates at redemption centers than at banks.
• Open a new account - only the wealth manager or private banker can access - not tellers.
• Gerry Maguire, Bruce, and to a degree Ray Ren are honest and knowledgeable. Be careful who you listen to.
• Meeting Monday at white house with Obama, Biden, and Yellin also had several members of Chinese Dragon families present - orchestrating transfer from fiat and the fed to gold and asset backed system.
• Bail-in's for US were taken out of the Dodd-Frank act. This administration would love bail-in's but it was taken away from them.
• The reason there are private exchanges going on now is to keep banking people fresh - they have had all this training and they need to refresh skills to stay competent. ·
Iranian Rial to RI in first basket, RV less than a month later in the second basket.
• All done by the end of the working day on Friday
The Replay number is: 605-562-3149 code 143153#
Bruce's call is at the beginning of this call also.
Fisher on The Real Truth Call - April 12 Fisher starts at 158 minutes